How to Have a Mindful Holiday Season


What exactly is mindfulness? Being mindful is about living in the present moment. Our lives are made up of many moments, but our tendency is to always be looking ahead at what we need to do next or what we forgot to do. Being truly present helps us to master our anxious thoughts and steer away from depressive ones. Mindfulness requires the use of all of our 5 senses: touch, taste, sight, sound, and smell. After the past two years of pandemic holidays, wouldn’t it be wonderful to be present and fully embrace all the wonder of the season like we could do as a child?

Start like this:

Choose your favourite Christmas cookie…

  • Take a moment to concentrate and fill your mind with what is happening right now; use all of your senses.
  • Look at it. What do you see? Does it bring any memories to mind? Is it perfectly decorated or just messy goodness?
  • Smell it. What does it smell like? Chocolate, vanilla, peppermint?
  • Take a bite. Does it taste how it smells? Is it crunchy or soft and chewy? Is it making your mouth water because it’s just so yummy?
  • What can you hear as you chew? Crunching? Are you smacking your lips trying to keep all the yummy in?
  • How does it feel? Was it kind of crisp on the outside and soft in the centre? Did sprinkles stick to your fingers or was it sticky gooey goodness?

Are you getting the gist of the exercise? Now, be intentional with all the things that make up the holidays:

  • Walking in the snow, watching the snow fall, and all the decorations everywhere.
  • Wrapping gifts, looking at Christmas lights, baking cookies, cooking the holiday feast, and listening to Christmas music.
  • Watching holiday movies, decorating the tree, hearing the kids playing and laughing, their excitement of the season, and opening their gifts.
  • Watching as the family intermingles after two years of no gatherings, and even shopping at the mall over the season.

Slow down and pay attention to everything your senses are taking in. What are you hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, touching? Slow it all down and be fully present in each precious moment, right here, right now. Feel everything and allow the present moment to wash over you with all of its feelings… sad, happy, bitter-sweet, longing, joy, nostalgia, and maybe even loss. It’s okay to feel. Allow the feelings to visit and then pass though. Feel the calm? Notice how things seem to soften? Now you’ve got it. The holidays are about being present, not the presents.

Wishing you and yours all the wonders of the holiday season, and good health and happiness in 2023.