Live Healthier, Happier, and Longer


from Calgary Foothills Primary Care Network

Did you know there is a team of health professionals who work with your family doctor to provide personalized health support – for free.

From mental health counsellors to nurses who can help with things such as anxiety and diabetes, you can access a variety of health support through one of the Alberta Primary Care Networks. There are a number of Primary Care Networks across the province, offering services designed to best meet the needs of each community. Primary Care Networks are part of Alberta’s public health care system and are funded by the provincial government – there is no cost to use any of their services.

Access Free Health Support

Studies show that people who regularly see their family doctor are healthier, live longer, and have fewer hospital visits. You can find various health support through Primary Care Networks, including:

  • Virtual and in-person workshops to support mental health, nutrition, diabetes, exercise, and to help you quit smoking.
  • Access to a team of health professionals that could include nurses, mental health therapists, dietitians, pharmacists, and social workers who can provide you with specialized care.
  • After-hours care to support you if you can’t get in to see your family doctor.