A New Employment Service at No Cost to Participants


An innovative Alberta charity and not-for-profit is offering a new employment service to help unemployed and underemployed Albertans.

Prospect Human Services has a multi-decade track record of helping Albertans who face obstacles to employment overcome those barriers and find good jobs.

The new service, Prospect Employment Services, is available to all Albertans. Through funding by the Government of Alberta, services are focused on job search skills including resume development, interview preparation, and career counselling. Participants also gain access to weekly hiring and company information events, all at no cost.

“We are finding that people need to refresh their job-search and interview skills. Succeeding in today’s job market is very different than even five years ago,” says Prospect program manager Tracey Jennix.

Prospect has an in-depth knowledge of the labour market as well as trained career advisors, placement specialists, and instructors who have helped Albertans upgrade their employment skills. In addition to working with participants, the organization also works with employers to help them understand the talent pools available and the benefits of having a diverse and inclusive workforce.

Prospect estimates that 5000 Albertans will access these services. Some of the companies who have already participated include CP Rail, Cintas, Metro Logistics, Tim Hortons, and Shell Canada. More information is available at www.prospectnow.ca or by calling 403-273-2822.

Prospect also welcomes drop-ins at their downtown Calgary location, 130 – 910 7th Avenue SW or at 915 33 Street NE. Both locations are close to the LRT, are fully accessible, and have an Employment Resource Centre that is open to the public for self-directed job search or to access ongoing support with a Career Advisor.