Marda Loop’s President’s Message for October


by Doug Fraser, President, [email protected]

The MLCA Annual General Meeting will occur on Monday, October 19, starting at 7:00 pm as a Zoom video call. The code for the call will be sent to all MLCA members by email. If you are not a member and would like to call in, please contact me at [email protected] for the code.

The AGM will include the election of the MLCA board. Although most board members will be continuing in their roles, a few positions are opening up. Please contact me if you are interested in getting involved as a volunteer, a committee member, or board member.

Although activity at the hall has been reduced due to COVID-19, we are operating some programs where we can comply with Alberta Health rules, including Barre Sculpt, Adult and Seniors Yoga, Idea Lab for ages 6 to 8 and 9 to 12 years and Seniors Fit. Check out the MLCA website for full details and to register for all MLCA programs.

I always appreciate your comments and welcome your emails.