Carolyn’s Corner: 5 Key Practices for Tree Care in Summer


by guest writer TJ Yurko


Water is contribuone of the most important cultural requirements of trees, especially during periods of hot, dry weather. However, it is also important to know when and how to water to reduce both waste and adverse effects on trees:

  • Generally, trees require 38 litres of water per 2.54 centimetre of trunk diameter when measured at 1.37 metres from ground level.
  • Newly transplanted trees (under 2 years) and established trees (over 2 years) should be watered once a week and 1 to 2 times per month, respectively.
  • To reduce evaporation, water trees before 10:00 am or after 4:00 pm.
  • Water low and slow (trickle flow for 30 minutes) and never apply water faster than the soil can absorb.
  • Calgary soils are typically clay-dominant and therefore retain moisture for longer, so remember to check soil moisture before watering.


Trees should be fertilized once a year, preferably in spring or early summer when trees are less susceptible to moisture deficits.

Avoid fertilizing in late summer to prevent root burn or stimulating new growth during a time when trees are starting to prepare for dormancy.


Apply 5 to 10 centimetres of untreated, coarse-textured mulch around the root zone to help retain moisture and regulate soil temperature.

Keep grass from growing inside the tree’s drip line.


Protect sensitive trees from strong, drying winds by planting them in a sheltered location.

Protect trees with thin bark from sunscald by planting them under shade or using light-coloured, perforated trunk wraps.

Pest Management

Monitor trees for signs and symptoms of pests during the growing season and exercise appropriate homeowner management practices.

If you need help taking care of your trees this summer, don’t hesitate – contact a professional gardener today!